Ensemble de Solitude
“An introspective research”
Lambov’s Ensemble de Solitude, the solo venture of guitarist and composer Stanimir Lambov, functions as an exploration of his relationship with the guitar in various contexts. His artistic range expands from composing acoustic chamber music to crafting solo jazz arrangements to improvising ambient pieces with prepared guitar and electronics. The idea behind the name of the project is inspired by a quote from guitar virtuoso Andres Segovia, who claims that the guitar could sound like a whole orchestra, a principle that Stanimir has adopted in his approach to the instrument.
In his upcoming EP, "Solo Works: Vol.1”, the guitarist revisits the roots ofhis musical journey, by focusing solely on the delicate world of his first love- the nylon-string acoustic guitar. Relased on January 19th with ZenneZ Records.
"Solo Works Vol. 1" is available on all streaming platforms!